Tag: Priyanka Singh’s transformation journey

  • Success can’t be defined

    Success can’t be defined

    I often thought blinking my eyes, What’s success? The materialist things I have achieved or just it’s a state of mind? No matter how far I ran so far, still I see a road ahead! Peoples choose conventional roads, I choose, the road less travelled, Success is the just the melodrama of labour, or the…

  • Swami Vivekananda a true youth revolutionary leader

    Swami Vivekananda a true youth revolutionary leader

    Swami Vivekananda was a Hindu monk and direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Vivekananda played a key role in the introduction of Indian yoga and Vedanta philosophy in the West. He made a strong impression at the inaugural World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, 1893 – giving a powerful speech on the underlying unity of world…

  • Key Skills of an Entrepreneur

    Key Skills of an Entrepreneur

    Ms. Priyanka Singh, cheap of an old block and generation next entrepreneur in healthcare Industry. Today; Taj Pharma Group has diversified interest in Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing, healthcare, Agro Business, Chemical, Intermediated and API’s, I.T start-ups according to Ms. Singh.

  • Nepal Government helping Women Entrepreneurs with Loans

    Nepal Government helping Women Entrepreneurs with Loans

    Women entrepreneurship, a relatively new but evolving concept, is seen in both urban and rural parts of Nepal. Women entrepreneurs are taking risk and starting their own enterprise. The Government of Nepal at the meantime has its focus on initiating program like Women Entrepreneurship Development Fund (WEDF) to help women entrepreneurs meet their financial need…

  • 6 Health and Diet Tips for Women in their 30’s

    6 Health and Diet Tips for Women in their 30’s

    Juggling work life and traditional duties is a tough task, but women have been doing this with great . In the fiercely competitive world, women have proven their efficiency time and again, but in a bid to prove their multi-facetious worth, has their health taken a backseat? Stop and think. Have you missed your breakfast…

  • Why the best success stories often begin with failure

    Why the best success stories often begin with failure

    One writer’s unexpected bout of unemployment inspired him to catalogue the misadventures of those who came before him Long before the iPhone made him the god of gadgets, Steve Jobs launched his tech career by hacking land lines to make free long-distance calls. Long before the iPhone made him the god of gadgets, Steve Jobs…

  • Walk of thorn for women entrepreneurs in Asian countries

    Walk of thorn for women entrepreneurs in Asian countries

    Women entrepreneurship has been underlined as a key strategy for economic growth. Developing the capacity of women can bring positive changes in the society. Women are inspired by women which means they are the force to increase women entrepreneurs. However, women entrepreneurs in Asian countries are promoting their ventures through their individual efforts because usually…

  • Hosting Teen Parties: What’s Your Liability, Good Parenting lesson

    Hosting Teen Parties: What’s Your Liability, Good Parenting lesson

    I have nieces and nephews who range in age from eighteen to late twenties. I am sure it was a real drag for them when their fun-loving, risk-taking aunt turned into an overly cautious, suspicious lawyer. Sure, they’ll be happy to have me if they ever get divorced or sued, but until then, I suspect…

  • An enchanted beauty

    An enchanted beauty

    Once upon a time, I met a men, he was full of life and happiness, At the very first meeting I got enchanted by his behavior! He was a sweetheart and true gentleman. He looked at me and I looked at him, And we smile thoroughly. He made me feel comfortable and we shipped the…

  • Priyanka Singh’s transformation journey to make her family owned company into a leading Generics Medicine Export house

    Priyanka Singh’s transformation journey to make her family owned company into a leading Generics Medicine Export house

    An young enthusiastic and dynamic woman Ms. Priyanka Singh, is an idealistic woman with her core values intact in place. Taj Pharmaceuticals has a very humble beginning almost more than a decade ago; where we all wanted to do is to “provide quality and an affordable price tag medicines to poor and needy patients”.  …