Tag: Priyanka Singh Director Taj agro

  • A Dreamer

    A Dreamer

    It is just my heart spilling out to you; True words from a Dreamer.. I was a dreamer, gaping at the wall above, sitting enchanted like a spellbound dove. I was a dreamer, dreaming about the forbidden, dreaming about the prince, who till then was hidden. I was a dreamer, whose dreams came true, when…

  • Nepal Government helping Women Entrepreneurs with Loans

    Nepal Government helping Women Entrepreneurs with Loans

    Women entrepreneurship, a relatively new but evolving concept, is seen in both urban and rural parts of Nepal. Women entrepreneurs are taking risk and starting their own enterprise. The Government of Nepal at the meantime has its focus on initiating program like Women Entrepreneurship Development Fund (WEDF) to help women entrepreneurs meet their financial need…