Tag: ET Women

  • The Poor Can’t Afford Not to Wear Nice Clothes

    The Poor Can’t Afford Not to Wear Nice Clothes

    Why do disadvantaged people spend money on status symbols? For the same reason we all do. Every time there is a national news story about a black shopper getting harassed in a store, there is a predictable backlash to the miscarriage of justice. We tend to move quickly from being outraged that it happened to…

  • A Dreamer

    A Dreamer

    It is just my heart spilling out to you; True words from a Dreamer.. I was a dreamer, gaping at the wall above, sitting enchanted like a spellbound dove. I was a dreamer, dreaming about the forbidden, dreaming about the prince, who till then was hidden. I was a dreamer, whose dreams came true, when…

  • Life – A journey ahead

    Life – A journey ahead

    The fruit of labour, The menace of failure The determination to achieve, To make one believe That success can be near, Turns down the failure-fear And a step you advance, success seems to cling Give more thrust and advance, And you find yourself in success ring. Success succumbs to the brave, Cowards fear success break…

  • Crime Capital: Why Delhi Is by Far India’s Most Dangerous City

    Crime Capital: Why Delhi Is by Far India’s Most Dangerous City

    India’s capital accounted for 25% of the 670,000 crimes recorded in India’s 53 largest cities in 2015. Delhi is India’s biggest megacity, home of the country’s central government and, according to new police data, way ahead of the competition in the quest to claim the title as the country’s capital of crime. The National Crime…

  • Swami Vivekananda a true youth revolutionary leader

    Swami Vivekananda a true youth revolutionary leader

    Swami Vivekananda was a Hindu monk and direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Vivekananda played a key role in the introduction of Indian yoga and Vedanta philosophy in the West. He made a strong impression at the inaugural World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, 1893 – giving a powerful speech on the underlying unity of world…

  • Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life

    Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life

    “Che Guevara was a Marxist revolutionary, Doctor, Author, Guerrilla Leader, Diplomat and Military theorist”! Che Guevara Quotes: If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine. “Let the world change you and you can change the world”

  • Bhutan Fostering growth of social businesses

    Bhutan Fostering growth of social businesses

    With the choice to focus on Gross National Happiness, Bhutan has chosen to be great instead of big. Through such an approach, the country has become a small giant. As indicated earlier (Kuensel December 8, 2018), this broad policy framework provides tremendous opportunities for leap frogging in terms of Bhutan’s economic development, should the focus…

  • ET Women Ahead: Corporate India’s fastest rising women leaders — Priyanka Singh

    ET Women Ahead: Corporate India’s fastest rising women leaders — Priyanka Singh

    Call it the Pygmalion Effect or a corollary, but those marked for stardom do shine bright. In 2015, The Economic Times released a first-ofits-kind listing of corporate India’s fastest rising women leaders, based on an extensive study conducted by Spencer Stuart. A dipstick survey now shows the 25 women on that list have more than…