Year: 2018

  • Bhutan Fostering growth of social businesses

    Bhutan Fostering growth of social businesses

    With the choice to focus on Gross National Happiness, Bhutan has chosen to be great instead of big. Through such an approach, the country has become a small giant. As indicated earlier (Kuensel December 8, 2018), this broad policy framework provides tremendous opportunities for leap frogging in terms of Bhutan’s economic development, should the focus…

  • Education system needs to foster entrepreneurship

    Education system needs to foster entrepreneurship

    Employment: For most Bhutanese graduates and jobseekers, becoming an entrepreneur may not be an enticing career to pursue. The concept of entrepreneurship in Bhutan was realised only very recently, failing to attract more takers. While being an entrepreneur has benefits, it also has several challenges. In order to decipher the reason why Bhutanese amidst the…

  • Mid-Day Meal Scheme Priyanka Singh Director Mission

    Mid-Day Meal Scheme Priyanka Singh Director Mission

    “There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.” ! M.K Gandhi Golden Temple Amritsar, Feeds up to 100,000 People a Day for Free The Kitchen at the Golden Temple Feeds up to 100,000 People a Day for Free Everyone eats the same food being…

  • Why you’re Still Friends with People You Hate

    Why you’re Still Friends with People You Hate

    They mirror your flaws in ways you can’t see:

  • What Kids Need to Learn to Succeed in 2050

    What Kids Need to Learn to Succeed in 2050

    What Kids Need to Learn to Succeed in 2050

  • Taking Action for Women and Girls

    Taking Action for Women and Girls

    Among the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, No. 5 is near to my heart: “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.” Since empowered women and girls are a powerful force for change in their families and communities, S.D.G. 5, as it’s known, would mean a better future for everyone else, too. To reach…

  • Five benefits of taking lemon water on an empty stomach

    Five benefits of taking lemon water on an empty stomach

    In the kitchen, lemon is popularly used in baking, making salads and drinks owing to its strong flavour. Other people, however, prefer to have lemon, not just as an ingredient in their recipes, but also for health purposes as it is known to be rich in vitamin C which is vital for immunity. The magic…

  • Key Skills of an Entrepreneur

    Key Skills of an Entrepreneur

    Ms. Priyanka Singh, cheap of an old block and generation next entrepreneur in healthcare Industry. Today; Taj Pharma Group has diversified interest in Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing, healthcare, Agro Business, Chemical, Intermediated and API’s, I.T start-ups according to Ms. Singh.

  • Bihar’s Champaran transformed MK Gandhi into Mahatma

    Bihar’s Champaran transformed MK Gandhi into Mahatma

    The Champaran Satyagraha of 1917, in the Champaran district of Bihar, India during the period of the British Rule, was the first Satyagraha movement inspired by Mohandas Gandhi and a major revolt in the Indian Independence Movement. Another important Satyagraha just after this revolt was Kheda Satyagraha. Champaran Satyagraha was the first to be started,…

  • Do Men Really Not Want to Be with Intelligent Women

    Do Men Really Not Want to Be with Intelligent Women

    A new dating phenomena examines ingrained gender roles in today’s romantic landscape.