An Immigrant’s Christmas Eve

We could have been turned away at the border. But a law enforcement officer granted my family a few days of freedom. On the night that we first came to the United States — Christmas Eve, 1979 — my mother, my brother and I were what President Trump would probably call illegal aliens. Like most […]

Nani Palkhivala The Legendary Indian Lawyer and Economist

Author of ‘We the Nation’ Nanaboy “Nani” Ardeshir Palkhivala Born in Mumbai, India January 16, 1920 Died December- 11, 2002 was an Indian jurist and economist Books Authored: 1.Law and Practice of Income tax 2.Taxation in India 3.The Highest Taxed Nation 4.Judiciary Made to Measure 5.Our Constitution Defaced and Defiled 6.India’s Priceless Heritage 7.Essential Unity of all Religions 8.We, the people 9. […]

Bhutan Fostering growth of social businesses

With the choice to focus on Gross National Happiness, Bhutan has chosen to be great instead of big. Through such an approach, the country has become a small giant. As indicated earlier (Kuensel December 8, 2018), this broad policy framework provides tremendous opportunities for leap frogging in terms of Bhutan’s economic development, should the focus […]

Walk of thorn for women entrepreneurs in Asian countries

Women entrepreneurship has been underlined as a key strategy for economic growth. Developing the capacity of women can bring positive changes in the society. Women are inspired by women which means they are the force to increase women entrepreneurs. However, women entrepreneurs in Asian countries are promoting their ventures through their individual efforts because usually […]